Sonakbi Modular Public Shower and toilet booth
은상희 Eun Sang HeeSonakbi Modular Public Shower and toilet booth
Air Bot Airport Guidance Cleaning Robot
한정훈 Han Jung HunAir Bot Airport Guidance Cleaning Robot
Office Furniture Environmentally adaptable office furniture
최찬영 Choi Chan YoungOffice Furniture Environmentally adaptable office furniture
Transbike Foldable personal vehicle
송승현 Song Seung HyunTransbike Foldable personal vehicle
CARTWAY Cart for Clothing Delivery
이영건 Lee Young GunCARTWAY Cart for Clothing Delivery
Han - river park medical kiosk Kiosk that effectively resolves emergency situations in Han - river park
성용화 Sung Yong HwaHan - river park medical kiosk Kiosk that effectively resolves emergency situations in Han - river park
Camp Mate One pack of camping supplies at a pack!
문준호 Moon Jun HoCamp Mate One pack of camping supplies at a pack!
Twist gun Easy to massage on your back
노현우 Noh Hyeon Woo Twist gun Easy to massage on your back
Baskit Handy tool kit for women.
박정원 Park Jung WonBaskit Handy tool kit for women.
Unmanned Marine Survey Ship Safety, Observation, Data of the Ocean
김민재 Kim Min JaeUnmanned Marine Survey Ship Safety, Observation, Data of the Ocean
Fusion plate A set of plates for new food
김가현 Kim Ga HyunFusion plate A set of plates for new food
BCART Modular electric shopping cart
정지원 Jung Ji WonBCART Modular electric shopping cart
AROHOME Best way to aroma home care
주수희 Ju Su HeeAROHOME Best way to aroma home care
Fridge-re Modular refrigerator that can increase or decrease capacity as desired, depending on location
최은아 Choi Eun AFridge-re Modular refrigerator that can increase or decrease capacity as desired, depending on location
Bathware Modular bathware with multi-purpose holder, towel rack and tray.
유혜정 Yoo Hye JeongBathware Modular bathware with multi-purpose holder, towel rack and tray.
RESCUE TUG SHIP Easily rescue people using a rescue crane on a ship.
박종관 Park Jong KwanRESCUE TUG SHIP Easily rescue people using a rescue crane on a ship.
Modul VEGE Modular hydroponic interior furniture that can be grown according to the growth stage of each plant.
권소진 Kwon So JinModul VEGE Modular hydroponic interior furniture that can be grown according to the growth stage of each plant.
Exchange looks Looking at each other, cooking together
서민기 Seo Min GeeExchange looks Looking at each other, cooking together
BetterRE System improvement with modular sleeping pods
김한백 Kim Han BaikBetterRE System improvement with modular sleeping pods
AIR PLUS Modular Air Appliance with Improved Scalability and Utilization.
최규영 Choi Gyu YoungAIR PLUS Modular Air Appliance with Improved Scalability and Utilization.
Spin Portable capsule coffee maker
박하영 Park Ha YoungSpin Portable capsule coffee maker
Bed Time Table Products that enable efficient use of confined spaces
김수환 Kim Su HwanBed Time Table Products that enable efficient use of confined spaces
Modular bus stop Modular bus station
황은재 Hwang Eun JaeModular bus stop Modular bus station
CHAIRFORUS 2 Seater Electric Wheelchair
장성호 Jang Seong HoCHAIRFORUS 2 Seater Electric Wheelchair
PUBLIC PURIFIER sanitary public water purifier
최낙현 Choi Nak Hyun PUBLIC PURIFIER sanitary public water purifier
Kwon so jin
Modul VEGE
Modular hydroponic interior furniture that can be grown according to the growth stage of each plant.
Kim Ga Hyun
Fusion plate
A set of plates for new food
Kim Min Jae
Unmanned Marine Survey Ship
Safety, Observation, Data of the Ocean
Kim Su Hwan
Bed Time Table
Products that enable efficient use of confined spaces
Kim Han Baik
System improvement with modular sleeping pods
Noh Hyeon Woo
Twist gun
Easy to massage on your back
Moon Jun Ho
Camp Mate
One pack of camping supplies at a pack!
Park Jung Won
Handy tool kit for women
Park Jong Kwan
Easily rescue people using a rescue crane on a ship.
Park Ha Young
Portable capsule coffee maker
Seo Min Gee
Exchange looks
Looking at each other, cooking together
Sung Yong Hwa
Han - river park medical kiosk
Kiosk that effectively resolves emergency situations in Han - river park
Song Seung Hyun
Foldable personal vehicle
Lee Young Gun
Cart for Clothing Delivery
Yoo Hye Jeong
Modular bathware with multi-purpose holder, towel rack and tray.
Eun Sang Hee
Modular Public Shower and toilet booth
Jang Seong Ho
2 Seater Electric Wheelchair
Jung Ji Won
Modular electric shopping cart
Ju Su Hee
Best way to aroma home care
Choi Gyu Young
Modular Air Applia0nce with Improved Scalability and Utilization.
Choi Nak Hyun
A general water purifier that can be kept clean even in an external environment.
Choi Eun A
Modular refrigerator that can increase or decrease capacity as desired, depending on location
Choi Chan Young
Office Furniture
Environmentally adaptable office furniture
Han Jung Hun
Air Bot
Airport Guidance Cleaning Robot
Hwang Eun Jae
Modular Bus Stop
Modular bus station